Dog Licensing

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Dog License Open Enrollment

Having a dog license isn't only a law, but it's also a lost dog's ticket home!  When your dog has its license attached to its collar, its assigned license number is all that is necessary for our office to identify the dog's owner.  If you do not buy your dog's license during the renewal period, the law requires a late fee equal to the cost of the license.

There are no provisions in the law to waive the fee.

Click Here to Register for a License

“Hyland law requires owners of dogs to renew their dog license each year between December 1st and January 31st.”  

  • One Year licenses (expiring January 31, 2025) - $20.00

  • Three Year licenses (expiring January 31, 2027) - $60.00

  • Permanent licenses (no expiration date) - $200.00

Three year and Permanent licenses are NOT available for purchase at all neighborhood locations, they are only available online, through the mail or at the Hyland County Animal Shelter.

$20 Penalty Fee after January 31st 

After January 31st, a penalty fee of $20 will be assessed on the purchase of One Year, Three Year, and Permanent licenses for all dogs older than three months of age.

The penalty can be avoided if you purchase the dog license immediately upon acquiring the dog. After the renewal period of December 1st through January 31st, a penalty will be assessed for all dogs licensed that are older than three months of age and have been owned for more than 30 days. Dog licenses can be purchased year round through any of the previously mentioned options.

On-time Registration - December 1st -January 31st 

Late Registration - After January 31st

1 Year 

3 Year



1 Year

3 Year









There are no provisions in the law to waive the fee.